
Our Tax Services Are Designed To Help Clients To Tap Into Today’s Competitive Business As Well As Fiscal Environment Through Effective Tax Planning And Maximization Of Tax Incentives...

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Company Secretarial Services

Companies In Tanzania Are Required To Make All Necessary Filings With The Business Registration And Licensing Agency (BRELA). This Includes But Not Limited To The Filing Of Annual Returns

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Book Keeping and Accounting Support

Our Team Assists Companies Across The Globe To Maintain Their Daily Business Transactions In A Systematic Manner By Preparing Books Of Accounts And Producing Financial Reports Which Are IFRS Compliant.

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Company Set Up Services

Registering your business with Tanzania Revenue Authority and getting a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Value Added Tax Registration Number (VRN) and Incorporating an entity with BRELA

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Tax Litigation Services

A Difference In Tax Opinion Between Taxpayers And Tanzania Revenue Authority During Routine Tax Audits (Over Whether And How Much The Taxpayer Is Obliged To Pay) Is Very Usual And Common.

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