We Can Help You To Set Up A Lawful And Well-Established Presence Of Your Business In Tanzania.

We Provide The Following Services:

  • Incorporating an entity with BRELA (Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Sole Proprietorship)
  • Registering your business with Tanzania Revenue Authority and getting a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Value Added Tax Registration Number (VRN)
  • Obtaining Business Licenses
  • Obtaining necessary regulatory licenses, approvals and clearances (including tax clearance certificate)
  • Assistance with the acquisition of relevant EFD/ESD machines (that suit your accounting system) and necessary support for EFD compliance purposes.
  • Assistance for getting office space – be it physical or virtual
  • Assistance with setting up a website and email domains including web, logo and CI designing services
  • Registering your business with NSSF, WCF, OSHA and other regulatory bodies in Tanzania
  • Setting up the organizational structure and drafting employment contracts
  • Recruitment and selection services (restricted to Internal Audit and Finance Department)
  • Assistance with opening of business bank accounts in Tanzania
  • Any other help that you may require to do business in Tanzania